Oct 5, 2010

В Москве

E cá estamos nós em Moscovo, a menos de duas semanas de regressar à terrinha. Foi bom enquanto durou mas sinceramente esperava mais desta experiência. Não é que não esteja a gostar, longe disso, mas esperava uma coisa mais, vá, animada. Conhecer mais gente. Melhor organização (não nos porem em aulas muito acima do nosso nível...). Mais tempo também, porque mês e meio é evidentemente pouco para conhecer esta cidade imensa. A comida é um bocado bleh mas deve ser por ser da cantina, digo eu. Puré aguado, carne pouco temperada. O que safa são as saladas, a kacha e o gulash quando é bem feito.
O tempo está mais frio agora, o vento corta, já apetece calçar as luvas e vestir os casacos mais quentes, coisa que não tenho... Gosto do ambiente, é cosmopolita, gosto do rebuliço e até da pressa constante das pessoas, tão diferente da lentidão quase comparável a um paquiderme que é a nossa Augusta. Adoro as escadas rolantes aparentemente intermináveis que se transformam numa exposição em andamento, onde observamos os diferentes rostos que compõem a manta de retalhos que é Moscovo. Gosto mas não ao ponto de querer viver aqui. Vale pela experiência claro!

Jul 30, 2010

Oh god one month

Well, Summer vacations are almost over, oh, sort of. I am going to Caldas da Rainha next week with ALL of my family (pretty much) and I am sure it's going to be awsome but I am also a bit scared because we are going to have 11 people in one house, where most of them are addicted to playing cards and get into arguments about it! And I mean serious arguments! :/ I have been extremely nervous and anxious these days due to the lack of info from our teachers (I only have 3 out of 8 grades) and I really need to get my visa for Russia done but the invitation letter hasn't arrived yet. The stupidiest thing is that we have to do it in Lisbon and it sucks major ass. On top of that I will not have Internet while I'm on vacation so that is making me more nervous because I will have no way to contact with the teachers and such. *sighs* But hey not all is bad and Cat came back and we have been having lots of fun! She brought me so many awsome things and has so many stories to tell (even with her shitty memory!).
I think I have kind of decided what I want to do next year but I still have to go to some places and figure some things out (in Lisbon once again!). I hope it works. As far as my internship goes I think I will stay in UM and do something with AC, a book or something, I really need to think about it properly (English, German, Russian?)
I saw Placebo live for the 3rd time and this time was the best concert EVER! And I mean ever! I love them so much! We were almost going to see Muse in Santiago but the tickets are SOLD OUT! It was such bad luck, they sold out right before we went to Corte Ingles to buy them, we were SO mad!
Anyway, it's still so hot here, I hate this weather with passion! I really do, I get all sweaty and feel like doing nothing! I need to study Russian, Korean and for my driver's licence but the will is none right now...

Jul 9, 2010

The heat

O calor tem estado insuportável. Hoje já está melhor mas não me lembro de ter suado tanto como os últimos dias. Claro que estar sempre com o portátil em cima a bufar em vez de estar de papo para o ar noutro lugar mais fresco não ajuda. Ultimamente ando viciada no TaeYang, não consigo resistir!! O mocinho tem uma voz tão linda e ainda por cima é tão mas tão giro!
Para a semana chega a C. da China! YAY!! Só de pensar que já não a veja há quase um ano... xiça. Vai ser óptimo revê-la e ouvir todas as histórias que ela vai ter para contar e ver as coisas que me vai mostrar! Estou muito ansiosa mesmo, as saudades apertam! Outro ponto alto da semana vai ser o concerto dos Placebo na sexta à noite. Vou vê-los ao vivo pela 3a vez e tenho a certeza que não me vão desiludir! Ainda por cima no Norte, que bem que sabe não ter de ir a Lisboa para os ver... :D Claro que para poder aproveitar estas coisas boas no final da semana vou ter de suar no fim-de-semana/início da semana e acabar os trabalhos que tenho para fazer! Nunca mais chegam as férias verdadeiras! E ainda me tenho de me preocupar com os preparativos da Rússia, já estou mesmo a ver que vai ser um stress mas pronto! And that's it for now.

May 20, 2010

Back to the same old routine

After 2 weeks of pure randomness in Italy, filled with laughter, sun, rain and lots of travelling I'm home. Wasn't thinking of going to Italy so soon but I'm really glad I did. I got to know some really cool people and visit some beautiful places. I am now able to scratch one dream out of my list, that was to visit Pompei. It was worth it a million times, it's overwhelming... imagining how life was back then, it's amazing. Naples is gorgeous, gorgeous. Vietri sul Mare is so pictoresque, so quaint. Rome is very interesting. Now I'm back to uni, to work and dreaming of travelling again.

Apr 4, 2010

Holidays are over (for over a week now, lol)

Oh well, that's a bummer right there. I went to Oporto and got a bunch of cool stuff! I bought Nana Vol.2 (wasn't planning on buying manga but since I couldn't find this t-shirt I really wanted...) at ComicCentral. Then we went to a chinese supermarket and it was heaven! Lots of asian food and I bought Kimchi (oh god I missed it!) and mochi (not my favorite but it was ok, for a first try) and cookies with Fahrenheit on the packet!! (Jiro rocks, don't really care about the others!).
As for Kpop: Dong Bang Shin Ki have officially stopped activities in Japan, so we'll not be seeing them together for who knows how long. All we have too do now is be excited for them, for their solo activities and hope they will return as 5 once again! Fighting! Rain has made is comeback and damn it's HOT! Love Song is just lovely and Hip Song is so cool! But the outfits for LS and the lashes are not doing it for me... Nevertheless, he's still fantastic! Hyori also made her comeback and I am in love with the single "Swing". It's a beautiful song, very sad but beautiful. I can't wait for the MV for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, looks fierce!
Yesterday I got my plane ticket to Italy! I am really really looking forward to it, I think it's going to be an awsome experience. The region were going to stay in is simply beautiful and I want to go to Pompeii!! Kyaaa!

Feb 25, 2010


I miss writing in English so I'm going to do it this time. The second semester is about to start and I KNOW I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY! We have so many subjects and on top of that I have to ask the teachers if I can do some work in advance because I really, really, really want to go to Russia in July! The opportunity is huge, to study for 1 month in Pushkin's Institute in Moscow... I am so excited at the prospect of going and with Ana too, brings back the memories from EC 2007... Aish I really want to go! I hope the teachers allow it *crosses fingers* Other than that Italy is also waiting for me in the first two weeks of May, I cannot express how excited I am about that too! I just have one word: Pompeii. All of this was very sudden but Im'm sure it's going to be amazing!
I am still very much into kpop, even though today we got one of the saddest news ever: Jaebum is definitely not coming back to 2PM. It's just not going to be the same now this is confirmed by JYP himself. The slightest ray of hope we had is now gone and it saddens me to no end.
Yesterday, one year ago, we returned from one the greatest adventures of our lives. Freiburg was kind in fun, friendship, knowledge... everything. Thanks to all the people I met there for making my life better. It was amazing and I miss those times so much. S. E. L. A. A. L. R. V. R. D. (I'm sorry if I forgot anyone, not that you are going to read it anyways. XD

Listening to: Gackt - Etude

Jan 19, 2010

CN Blue

Nova banda, novo som! CN Blue, uma banda "nova" (apesar de já ter dois mini-albuns lançado no Japão) formada por Jeong Wong Hwa (vocal, guitar, rap, leader, além de ser jbfjsbfkdjb giro), Lee Jong Hyun (guitar, vocal), Kan Min Hyuk (drums) e Lee Jung Shin (bass e rap). Trazem um som mais alternativo à cena actual de K-pop que está saturada com auto-tune e coisas do género por isso são mais do que bem-vindos!! Aos mini-albuns "Now or Never" (em inglês) e Voice (em japonês e inglês) vem-se juntar Blueteory (em coreano). Aqui fica a lista das músicas deste último:
01. 외톨이야 (I'm a loner)
02. Love Revolution
03. Y, Why…
04. Now or Never
05. 그럴 겁니다… 잊을 겁니다

Aqui fica o vídeo para o primeiro single, com romanização e legendinhas que é bom!

E o cover de "Drive" dos Incubus *ataque de fangirlism*